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This month there were not so many games in the KID but there were still some good examples. We can say this time that, from Black's point of view the heroes were often the knights, and not so much the famous bishop. In some games Black was making moves which are sometimes good but, when not played at the right moment, could be very bad. It shows that it's not easy to play the KID without preparation.

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Makagonov System 5.h3 e5 6.d5 Na6 [E71]

The first game, between Oparing, G - Chigaev, M, was in the Makagonov with an early 5...e5. Later Black developed and also moved his knights to c5 and f4 as in many other lines. White decided to exchange a few pieces and pawns but then Black had a very nice game pressing without risk:

Later white gave an exchange for compensation and after a long battle managed to escape with a draw.

Karpov Variation 6.Be3 e5 7.d5 Na6 8.g4 [E73]

Colpe, M - Fier, A featured the Karpov variation where Black went for a slightly passive setup which is still OK. However, he mixed the ideas and went for 14...f6 which is sometimes good but not in this situation:

This created a lot of weak squares and pawns and with simple moves White got a big edge. Later he managed to win material and the game went into an endgame where at some point Black, being material down but with a bigger rating, offered a draw which was taken.

Four Pawns Attack 6.Nf3 Nbd7 7.e5 Ng4 [E76]

Shuvalova, P - Assaubayeva was in the Four Pawns Attack and turned out to be very interesting. Black went for a very rare and risky line and it looks like she was unprepared as soon after moving her knight around she went to make space for it with 9...Kh8 and Black was already in trouble:

However, it turned out that provoking an attack was a good strategy as White did not cope well and after only a few moves she had already spoiled her advantage. They were a few twists but while White was attacking her king was left in danger and eventually it was Black who made a counterattack and won the game.

Sämisch System, Panno - Smirin's Line 8...Bd7 9.g4 b5 [E83]

Baldaulf, M - Livaic, L was in the Saemisch system and Black went for Smirin’s rare line with 8...Bd7:

Later he sacrificed a pawn with ...b5 and opened the game. White was doing ok until he blundered on move 20 and after that Black won easily.

Classical, Petrosian System 7.d5 a5 8.h3 Nfd7 [E92]

Postny, E- Chigaev, M was in the rare 8...Nfd7 line of the Petrosian System:

White soon opened the h -file but after Black went 13...Kf7 it suddenly turned out that he will take control of it. Later Postny started to play without a plan moving his king around and when he finally went to the kingside the damage arrived from the h-file where Black had a strong attack and won the game.

Classical, Petrosian System 6.Be2 Nbd7 7.Qc2 e5 8.d5 a5 [E93]

Sumetz, A - Maurizzi, M was in another rare version of the Petrosian with 7 Qc2.

Black just moved his knights to the standard positions c5 and f4, then had to go back just to prepare for them to jump back again. In the end both knights met on d3 where they won material. White got some activity but could not keep control in the endgame and gradually lost the game.

Classical Variation 7.0-0 exd4 8.Nxd4 Re8 9.f3 c6 10.Bg5 [E94]

Yilmaz, M -Loiseau, Q featured the classical system with 7...exd4. White went for a rare line with 10. Bg5 and Black was not familiar with it.

Black organized 12....d5 at a bad moment and as the game opened up White was much better. However, White also made some mistakes and Black could escape. But not after his last blunder, 21...Ng4, however, where he lost immediately.

Classical Variation 5.Be2 0-0 6.Be3 Na6 7.Nf3 e5 8.0-0 Qe7 9.Bg5 [E94]

Zhu, J - Assaubayeva, B was in the Classical system with the rare 8...Qe7:

White went aggressive with 11. c5 but Black managed to get an equal game without any problems. Then the game was balanced and in the end it was a draw.

Till next month, Marian

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